Research Group of Carsten Urbach

Lattice QCD and Computational Physics

Research Areas

Since October 2009 I am leading a research group at Bonn university. First as a Juniorprofessor, and since fall 2013 as full professor. Here you can find some information related to my research interests and directions. Don't hesitate to contact me directly for more details.

The research areas of my group focus on the non-perturbative treatment of strongly coupled quantum field theories, such as Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD).

The method for ab initio investigations of QCD is Lattice QCD, as originally proposed by Kenneth Wilson in 1974. It is based on the path integral formulation of QCD in Euclidean space-time, which allows the usage of Monte-Carlo methods.

Since Lattice QCD has a strong demand for computer resources a naturally connected research direction is high performance computing and the development of algorithms.

Research topics include:

Some part of the research in this group is performed in the European Twisted Mass collaboration.

The research is partly funded by the Sino-Germn CRC110 and until 2016 by the CRC16.

Please see also the available topics for Bachelor/Master and Diploma theses!